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Now that the winter months have subsided and it is beginning to get warmer, it is a good idea to check your trees to see if they have taken any damage throughout the winter that could be detrimental to their growth in the summer.
We have a few tips to help you make sure our trees are as healthy as they can be for summer:
It is best for the health of your trees that you identify any dead, diseased or dangerous branches and remove them. It is easy enough to prune smaller branches yourself, however, larger ones may need the help of a professional tree surgeon.
From the beginning of spring through until winter, insects will be active so it is always good to inspect your trees for any unusual bug activity.
Summer (especially in the UK) isn't all sunshine and blue skies, it can also bring strong winds and rain. You can limit the damage potentially caused by severe weather by tying back or removing weak branches.
Soil care is very important, for example, a lack of nutrients or high levels of acidity can cause bad problems for the tree.
Mulch helps keep your trees healthy in a number of ways. The main reasons being that it retains soil moisture, and also shields the roots form high temperatures.
A 2-4 inch thick layer of organic, bark/wood-based mulch is generally the best way to ensure your tree gets the best chance it can to flourish in the summer months.
If you believe you need a hand in making sure your trees are all healthy for summer, please call us on 0777 583 7892 or request a quote here.